your home. your downtown.
Downtown is where Havre Happens! It is a hub, a gathering place. It is not just simply a collection of businesses and buildings but rather a link to the heartbeat of Havre. Commerce meets community here to create endless opportunity.
What is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan is an actionable document and policy guide designed to help communities envision what they want to look this case, the focus is specifically Downtown Havre.
What is the Goal?
To preserve community character, guide community partnerships, activate under-utilized resources, produce positive economic development, and direct future growth.
Why Should You Care?
Master Plans can inform and guide revitalization and preservation efforts, future zoning, infrastructure improvements, and even Tax Increment Financing or TIF districts. All of the above benefit and positively impact the community as a whole. Community involvement and collaboration are key to any successful plan.
This website is a platform to keep up to date with the Downtown Havre Master Plan, a collaborative effort by Bear Paw Development Corporation, FourFront Design, Inc., Topos and Anthros, High Plains Architects, and the community of Havre.

The Planning Team wrapped up the Downtown Havre Master Plan in October 2022. We are thankful for the community involvement during the process and grateful to the citizens of Havre for giving us your ideas, providing fantastic feedback, and being receptive to our ideas as well. We are proud of the work we completed collaboratively with the Havre community and very excited for the future! The Crown Jewel of the Hi-Line is a wonderful community with a lot of potential. The implementation of the Downtown Havre Master Plan will only help emphasize how truly special it is.
Project Recap:
let your voice be heard!
Please email to engage with the process and let your voice be heard.
community presentation 08.16.22
Randy Hafer presented our progress on the Downtown Havre Master Plan to roughly 50 community members on August 16th. This included a recap of our April community presentation as well as a more in-depth look at the potential that Downtown Havre represents. The following gallery contains the slide images that were presented to the community during this meeting. To access the Powerpoint Presentation from the April meeting, please click here. Thank you for your feedback and involvement!