Garden Beds in the Garden Room

Garden Beds web.jpg

by Janna Hafer

I think I should have invested in the Metal Garden Bed Company because we have purchased so many of them and I love these metal garden beds. We put them outside on three sides of our house (the fourth side of the house is the garage) and now we have installed them in the Garden Room. They go together fairly easily so the hardest part was making sure they were level and that wasn’t all that difficult. All of my outdoor pots – large and small – have been living in the Garden Room. Mother’s Day is the date that is typically understood to be safe to put plants outdoors in Billings, Montana. (Of course, “typical” is not always “reality” so caution is suggested.) Therefore, Mother’s Day this year is the date we put some of the pots outdoors. In the meantime, we are starting seeds, purchasing flowers, and gathering fruit bushes to be planted outside as soon as the weather permits.


Planting the garden


The Slinger Returns and the Patio Begins