The Slinger Returns and the Patio Begins


by Janna Hafer

Spring is trying to appear, so Randy and I are strategizing our future patio along the north side of the house. The site slopes away from the house but we want the patio to be level, so we are installing a short retaining wall along the north fence line out of – what else, but metal garden bed sections. The Slinger returned on April 24 to deliver road mix along the north side of our house in order to fill in the space between the house and the retaining wall. Fortunately, our neighbors to the north allowed the Slinger to back into their driveway to make the delivery which worked out perfectly. Unfortunately, we didn’t order enough road mix to get the job done. My brother and sister-in-law have asked if we would be willing to host the 4th of July celebration at our house this year, so we have a deadline to get at least part of this patio done. Therefore, there will be more patio updates to follow . . . . . .


Garden Beds in the Garden Room


Painting the Garden Room – Part 2