Painting the Garden Room – Part 2


by Janna Hafer

Some of you might be wondering whatever happened in the Garden Room. Last December we ran out of paint after painting the ceiling. Then, there were the holidays followed by the limited light days of winter. February was particularly cold and dreary. Finishing painting the Garden Room took a back seat for a while. One question was: what color do you paint a Garden Room? We ultimately decided that since Billings is surrounded by five mountain ranges, we would paint distant mountains on all four walls. We placed the order for more paint. Once the paint arrived, we channeled our artistic side (or maybe it was our kindergarten kid side) and had Big Fun creating scenes of dark blue mountains. It might not be what most people would paint a Garden Room but we think the green plants are going to look super against those blue walls plus the dark color will absorb the heat from the sun. Now, where is that sun???


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Randy’s Shop